Good news!!

We have added the “text2give” feature, also known as text-to-donate, a convenient and user-friendly way for donors to contribute to Passion Java Ministries fundraising campaigns using their mobile phones. With this feature, donors can simply send a text message with a specified keyword or code to a designated phone number, and a predefined donation amount will be charged to their registered card.

A new donor has to register for text to give by sowing an amount greater than or equal to $3 from below link.

After successful registration, donor now can send text to following number to donate to PJM using text2give feature.

Ph: +1 (866) 376-6777

you will be asked to confirm the amount with YES or NO.

After confirmation of YES, donation will be deducted donor will receive email receipt for the same.

Send text ( PJM “amount” )
Example: PJM 10.00

Also text2give feature is auto enabled for telegram mentorship students.