
Special Revelation on Mother’s Day !! Prophet Passion Java

By May 9, 2021 No Comments

How did Mother’s Day start ??

This is how Mother’s Day was born

Suffragist and writer Julia Ward Howe first suggested the idea of Mother’s Day in the United States in 1872. Howe was a pacifist and saw the holiday as a chance to unite women and rally for peace. For several years, she held an annual Mother’s Day meeting in Boston.

However, West Virginia activist Anna Jarvis is credited with creating the holiday that is celebrated today. In 1908, Jarvis campaigned for a national observance of the holiday in honor of her mother, who was a community health advocate. Her mom had organized several Mother’s Day Work Clubs that addressed child rearing and public health issues, and Jarvis wanted to commemorate her and the work of all mothers.

The other side of Mother’s Day !!!

1. Mother’s Day started as an anti-war movement.

Anna Jarvis is most often credited with founding Mother’s Day in the United States.

Designated as the second Sunday in May by President Woodrow Wilson in 1914, aspects of that holiday have since spread overseas, sometimes mingling with local traditions.

Jarvis took great pains to acquire and defend her role as “Mother of Mother’s Day,” and to focus the day on children celebrating their mothers.

But others had the idea first, and with different agendas.

Now biblically there was no Mother’s Day but I’m going to touch much deep mothers in the Bible !!!


Adam called her woman not God, because she came out of a man. And after they came out of the garden of Eden Adam called her Eve because she is the mother of all living.

There is a type of a mother thats a jack of all trades, there is the type that connects to everybody everywhere, wether church, in the world, whether son or daughter.

She connects to everybody because she has a big heart.

These are not spiritual mothers, they are called mothers of the world. 

Wherever they go, they mother people. This type can even give people they don’t know.

They can sleep hungry for others to eat. That’s the Eve type of a mother.

Also note that Eve stands as the Original Mother who first experienced a funeral service when Cain killed Abel, first to experience labour pain.

Eve is the First to receive prophecy from God about the seed of a woman.

Also first to experience the wrath of God but later on gave birth to Seth…

A man who could call upon the name of the Lord.


She is the type of mothers who can teach kids on how to get the blessing from the Father because only fathers bless but mothers teach how to access the blessing.

There are mothers that can release a blessings to people, without them you can not get your blessing.

She raised Jacob teaching how to cook, how to talk or present yourself to your father, the things to wear before your father.

Many people get opportunities but they have missed the door,

why?? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

Because they do not have a father or a mother. 

One needs a mother/ father like me who will teach you business ethics, decoration for company or church, logo for business.

To be taught how to walk, talk, dress and even sit during interviews.

Everyone needs to be mothered or fathered.


The kind like this is no mother but a woman.


She seduces man through her body structure. She is the type who knows how to get the heart of a king and become the kings wife.

These are mothers who are go getters they use their structure to win the throne of any kind.

They can even go to the extent of wearing fake boobs, fake butt, some can have their ribs removed so they can have a flat tummy for life.

This is all in the bid to attract man into marriage. Yet you will then find out that they can’t cook, clean dishes, can not spread the bed, they can not respect your family.


They are recognised as the best in bed. They can mess your mind up. You should always pray that you are covered from such a type.

For if they come after you, you will never see it, they are even better than slay queens.

The worst part is they can’t leave, for even if they live you will find yourself following them. They will mess up your mind.

The only way out of is never to be in.

In every hello, to this kind there is hell, you should remove the “o”. So the only way out is never in. Because some people come into your life for 3 minutes and you will be forced to be with them for the next 18years. Taking care of kids that you never wanted. They are too fine that you will never think of using protection when having sex with them.

After you have worked hard for years, they will make you lose everything, from your children, wife, company and everything around you just so you be with her.

So Bethsheba looks at David, after he is left alone when everyone else went for the war. As he is by the balcony, he takes a glance at her whilst she takes a bath, showing the best view.

David immediately forgot he was a king, a worshipper, he abandoned his assignment, he even murdered her husband.


Because she and her sex were to fine and could not let her go back home. So nomatter how many kids, she can give birth to Solomon but can not mother Solomon, because she does not have the wisdom in Solomon.

So even after you want to let this kind go, you can not, because they can blackmail you by reason of nude pics, videos. So because you are afraid of being exposed, you are forced to be with them even when you don’t want anymore.


These are mothers who all her children can serve the Lord on higher places.
Such mother’s wombs carry greatness only
Like the womb that birthed ::
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Arron the higher priest
Moses the Prophet
Miriam a prophetess.

Jochebed womb carried greatness.. She was the mother to Moses, Aaron and Miriam.

There are mothers that do not have a blessed womb, when they give birth, they give birth to ugly both inside and outside.

There are actually people that are not properly arranged when it comes to their face but she can take you far, as far as the intellectual is concerned.

But Jachobed gave birth to fine ones, and intellectually were extra deep as well. This type can give birth to presidents, to excellency.

But there is a Jachobed type is cursed and that whilst they carry a child in their womb can be bewitched.

That is why everytime you are pregnant sow a seed, be it physical or spiritual pregnancy.

Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus

Such mothers are called Favoured mothers. They just increase Favour in all areas of life.

Looking at Mary being a virgin , giving birth to the saviour.

These ones they don’t need flavour but they have favour.

They don’t need the eyelashes, fake hair, fake nails etc. They do not need to show their hips or butt.

When you marry this Kind, your favour increases. Eg, Joseph saw angel Gabriel because of Mary, the angel came to confirm what it had told unto Mary.

Joseph was able to enter Egypt, these give you international platforms, they carry favour in them.

He entered into Egypt , (a super power) because of the woman he was dating.

The Mary type of mothers attract angels, they attract leaders, you will see that even Herod was looking for Joseph and Mary because of Mary.

They are a dangerous blessing. 

They will follow even their child to the cross.


These are the type of mothers that run the world.

They rule in the world of man. They are driven by the sport of excellency.

Actually when you marry one, you will not even need to go to your office, for she takes care of everything with par-excellency. Ok

When you are tired and can not preach, she will preach on your behalf, when you can not prophesy and need to rest, she will prophesy in your behalf.

They are jack of all trades, they can take care of anything. They can run the world like amazon woman.

That stood when things are difficult and brought forth a change.

They do not bring a change from their mothers womb, they are actually anointed for service.

When you are tired and can not preach, she will preach on your behalf, when you can not prophesy and need to rest, she will prophesy in your behalf.

They are jack of all trades, they can take care of anything. They can run the world like amazon woman. That stood when things are difficult and brought forth a change.

They do not bring a change from their mothers womb, they are actually anointed for service.


a woman who was Able to carry lsrael in her womb (lssac) even though she had passed menopause but still she was able to give Abraham a child at her old age.

She was impatient she couldn’t wait on the Lord.

Some mothers are impatient.she gave Abraham her maid. Her inpatient though bad brought the Arabic people who are now the richest in the world.


The kind of mother who give birth to the forerunner of Christ. mothers like that they are called pace-setters.

They determine pace or rather Pioneers of new things


these are mothers who take care of God’s servants.


these are mothers who bother till they get what they want.
She bothered Jesus even though Jesus called a dog.

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