
Soul Fasting Revelation – Prophet Passion Java

By April 10, 2021 No Comments

The Bible says the code is three fold. PRAY FAST GIVE. Prayer activates the opening or the release of the heavens. Fasting opens up the spirit man to receive that which the heavens would have released. Giving opens up the ground so that the ground bears multiple fruit.

Prayer is for the heavens.

Fasting is for the spiritman.

Giving is for the ground.

There is the fasting of the body but there is also the fasting of the soul. Many end up in body fast level and limit themselves to enter the soul fast level. In the body we can fast from food but in the soul we can fast from our thought patterns, decisions of the will and intentions of the emotion. Without a soul fast one’s life will remain the same without a catapulted positive change. Remember the soul is made up of the mind the will and the emotion.

The mind thinks, will chooses and emotions act. Scripture now says as a man thinketh so is He. Our definition is more in how we think as compared to how how we act. Soul fast seeks to disrupt the thought pattern of a man so as to create an entire thought pattern which is line with the will and mind of God.

Entire new thought pattern

The doorway of that which has accumulated in the spirit to manifest in the earth realm is the soul of a man. Thus the soul of a man has to allign to the pattern and structure of that which is in the spirit. The eye is the doorway to the soul. The stomach is the doorway to the spirit. 

What we see determines how we choose think and act. The stomach is made up of the intestines called the ileum and the duodenum and if you look closely at them they are shaped like a serpent. Thus whenever we are fasting we are trying to break the pathway of the serpent in our lives. Remember when the devil attacked Adam and Eve He came in the manifestation of a serpent. The new testament now talks of those that have made their belly their God.

But the same testament also talks of rivers of living waters flowing out of the same belly. These have failed to break the pathway of the serpent.

The same belly can open us up to the spirit or close us up to the spirit. Lust of the eye for the eye. Lust of the flesh for the belly. Ecclesiastes 1:8 All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing. Lust has a hunger. It always has an appetite that can never be satisfied. Your level of that which you see and how you see it determines the state of your soul.

In as much as the eye is not satisfied with seeing the fast of the soul tends now to constrain and control that which has to get into the soul which is beneficial to the mind of a man. The soul is a garden. And in every garden there are things that need to be planted and there are things that aren’t allowed to be planted. Taking great heed of that which has fo penetrate the eye determines the fruitfulness of the garden.

Jeremiah says that until the Spirit of the Lord has been poured from on high what was once a wilderness will become a garden. The wilderness and the garden being talked about are the representation of the soul of a man. Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted and to fast. This wilderness is not a physical m but a state of the soul because all the temptations were occuring in the mind or soul of Jesus. Thus a soul fast waters the garden of a man which is the soul. The spirit is satisfied by the emptiness of the stomach and the Soul is satisfied by the emptiness of the eye.

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