Playing Cards ♠️♣️♥️♦️🃏
A is 1 which is one true God.
2 Bible is divided into two parts; the Old and New Testaments.
3 the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
4 the four evangelist who preached the Gospel… Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
5 five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps. five were wise and were saved; five were foolish and were shut out.
6 sixth day God made man.
7 on the seventh day God rested from His
great work.
8 the eight righteous people God saved when he destroyed this earth…. Noah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives.
9 the nine lepers our Savior cleansed , and nine of the ten didn’t even thank Him.
10 the Ten Commandments God handed down to Moses on a tablet of stone.
K reminds me that there is but one King of Heaven, God Almighty.
Q Virgin Mary the Queen of Heaven.
J And the jacks, or knaves, it’s the devil.
If you count the number of spots on a deck of cards you find kuti there three hundred sixty-five which is the number of days in a year – Fifty-two cards, the number of weeks in a year. Four suits, the number of weeks in a month.
Twelve picture cards, the number of months in a year.
All things where made in him by him 👆 including cards ♦️
All not some things.
Now understand this because the soul is the seat of the mind the will and the emotions. Mind thinks will chooses emotions act playing cards it’s a mind game. All things means something in the spirit including good and evil.
If you dog bucks it means something, if someone smile at u it means something everything means something
If you are able to give 1st fruit or tithe it means something happened in the spirit
You don’t give and something happens NO, something happens in the spirit 1st then you tithe or bring 1st fruit
So u don’t give to be blessed you give because you’re blessed. A cursed person will never give, tithe or bring 1st fruit
Remember also giving is a mind game 😁.
Therefore every number that you give means something in the spirit for example
If you give 999 it means something or 300usd
Giving 300 pounds and 300usd means you had different breakthroughs in the spirit.
Giving is more spiritual that physical.
Here this now.
5 major things that affects our soul is
1 our thinking pattern
– when we are in the relm of the spirit we are invisible…what makes us invisible is the blood of Jesus that covers us so that we gain ground in penetrating the relms of the spirit. The devil cant fathom us coz we are like a mystery and so invisible. What then makes us to be known or to become visible are our thought pattern.
As a man thinketh so is HE.
Thoughts travels in waves and they send a message to the demonic world and the demons interpret the representation of our thoughts. If there’s fear in our thoughts. That fear will weaken the blood ,exposing us In the spiritual world. Paul says God did not gave us the spirit of fear to be in bondage but the spirit of power, love and sound mind. Fear makes us therefore to be in bondage where we get arrested in the spiritual realm and thereby failing to achieve what we desire to life.
Demons can smell fear from the mind of the soul and that fear makes them gain ground over our lives that’s why fear is written 365times in the bible.everyday God is saying fear not.
The first time after seeing an angel, he says fear not
Fear chains God
God and the blood can’t work where fear is !!!.
How to deal with Fear
You do not pray for fear to go but you confront those things that makes you fearful
God does not remove fear because you have prayed instead he exposes you to that which makes you fearful
That’s why we have servings in our accounts because we FEAR the unknown
That’s why we can’t live our Job to do Gods work
We fear… like, what if people don’t come?, how will I pay my bills? U
If your spirit says give all, fear says how will u live tomorrow.
So if you want to defeat fear what do you do!!
You do what fear is tells you not to do!
2 Our choices
Our souls can be affected by choices we make in life especially relationships and carriers to life
Wrong relationship results in heartbreaks that will frustrate and fracture the soul, like playing cards ♠️ what makes you loose it’s just a wrong choice
All is just but a wrong choice which is a mind Game.
Proverbs 18:19 It’s easier to conquer a fortified city than to restore a wounded soul.
Wounded soul makes you never to enjoy sex in your own marriage.!!!
Makes you not to pray, Makes you not to do God’s work, it holds you from the Joy of whatever you do.!!!
If you have a wounded soul, you need special healing. Once a soul is wounded it’s hard to restore it. Do not be quick to make choices because they have an effect in the long run. Choices of words words uttered ca not be reversed Ecc 5 says do not be quick with your mouth when going to the house of the Lord.
Be quick to hear and slow to speak that’s why we have one mouth and two ears so that we hear twice and speak once 😬👆👆👆😬
Job and Psalms says *👇
God spoke once and l heard twice such power belongs to God.
Do not make decisions when over excited and or when angry
Out of excitement Herod made a vow he couldn’t reserve at a birthday that resulted in John being killed. Your soul can get excited and you make promises that you will live to regret. Nomatter how good she looks ,wear a condom Make a choice to wear one kkkk. AIDS will not Kill you but your own choice.
3 Greedy
If you desire what God never gave you he will take what he gave you
Adam was not given the tree of knowledge
Don’t hold God’s tithe, seed especially 1st FRUIT 🍉
When they took it ,God took the garden he had given them.
WHEN EGYPT took God’s 1st born israel God took their 1st born as well.
Greedy will make you loose what you already had.
Train your soul to be content 👈👈👈
David says my soul knows right well.
4 Exposure
Exposure can either build or destroy your soul
What people do are the accumulations of their souls
If you grew up with an abusive father,to you it’s easy to beat your wife..
Soul is like a chameleon, it pictures what it sees daily has a result it stores it in its memory and in time the storage will play.
Has a result expose your soul to good things good people good enviroment.
Never take your kid to a strip club when he’s old his soul will play it.
David says l was young now lm old have never seen the righteous being forsaken nor his children begging for bread
David saw God providing the house of his father Jesse and that issue was recorded in his soul.
When he grew up,his past experiences build faith and trust in God and In every situation David consulted God
He had a good exposure.
David was the son of Jesse with a maid
He was the 8th son born out of wedlock and he says in sin my mother conceived me.
That bad exposure made him to take Bethsheba
And God used it again for the good why coz David loved the Lord all things work together for good.
. Romans 8:28
So you end up marrying a woman that looks or sounds like your mom or a husband that sounds, acts and look like your father why?
5 Lust
Every sin is done out of the body but sexual intercourse is inside and it kills your soul in that multiple sex partners will impart your soul unnecessary wars from people you are sleeping with
Because I’m sex you’re trading and transferring from one to another on both sides.
Sex is more dangerous because it imparts your soul spirits from generations of people you are sleeping with.and if not careful you will live your life fighting wars of some people whilst your own are still yet to be attended. Money amplifies what’s already in your soul that only lacked money to manifest where’s sex destroys your soul completely.
If anyone is crying it goes back to sex. Try to download my book tittled how to overcome the forces of sex.
Solomon says at in Proverbs 7 at the widow of my house l saw and discerned among the simple ones a young man void of understanding
The window Solomon is taking of is his eye and the house he is talking of is his body and the path he’s talking of is his soul which is 👉mind will and emotion
So Solomon is seeing into himself in other words…he is discerning into himself by his eye because the eye opens the soul and the belly opens the spirit.
Mystery 👆
The Proverbs 7 woman only existed in the soul of Solomon that was meditation of Solomon.
Using the eye which is the door to the soul.