Today is Fools day, why was it named Fools day? How did it start? Is…
zigo zigoApril 1, 2021
Prophet passion Java at the launch of Next Level Music in Tanzania with Ray Vanny…
zigo zigoMarch 12, 2021
Genesis 2:4 the day God created the Heaven and the earth God does everything…
zigo zigoMarch 11, 2021

The Bible says how God anointed JESUS with Power and the Holy Ghost This means…
zigo zigoMarch 4, 2021

#1 Serving the office of the prophet. -When serving ,you serve the place of incapacity…
zigo zigoMarch 3, 2021

Galatians 3:13-15 13 Christ bought us with His blood and made us free from the…
zigo zigoMarch 2, 2021