
Prophetic Revelation – Prophet Passion Java

By May 4, 2021 No Comments

John 3 vs 16 is the central code verse of the Bible for business. But John 3 is not the central chapter.

Genesis 1 is the central chapter of the Bible for business. So all business codes are in chapter 1. 

Genesis 1 touches on the law of beginnings.  Even though God is the master of all things, him too has a beginning and people without beginnings are prone to deception that’s why Adam was deceived because he didn’t pass through the beginning… As a result Jesus had to be born and to grow. So Genesis one is God’s business of creating and he started his business of creating by a word and that word John 1 had the power to create Genesis 1.
Step 1.   It’s You.
Step 2. You have to have office
Step 3.  See what people need so can give them solution.
Let me break it down
In the beginning time the (Word) you!
God which is (office ) created business  (Heaven and Earth) places to do his business
Every business requires time frame – you can’t sell Christmas clothes in June.
Every business needs an office.
Every business needs a place.
God secured both spiritual and physical place for his business. 
And he spoke life to his business because for you to experience it you must say it out…
He created light and named it Day    
What you name you control!!!!
And from his word light came which was to illuminate his business and he called it day so as to control it coz what you name you control and that name began to attract many things thus dimensions of customers coz light is an attracter.
He called it Day
The name you give determine what will be attracted to your business.
Then he separated the firmament that’s establishing air communication both spiritual and physical. Your business needs communication both physical and spiritual which we call air frequency or atmosphere or internet because every business is established on Internet. Moses controlled the Internet that’s why Joshua won the war. People who control internet are billionaires. So you need to establish your frequency with powerful gadgets so that you don’t crush your business communication. Moses hands were a connector to the business of Joshua of fighting a war in the valley.
Ephesians speaks of the god of the air who is Satan. Satan can fight your business frequency in the spirit and the physical manifestation becomes a true sign of what’s in the spiritual Internet. All fish trees and animals including humans became the customers of God. Romans 8 whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. And what’s the business of God… Dominion of the man before and after the fall, God wants man to have power and authority thus the soul of a man.
So word is (you)
God is the ( office )
Sky is the  ( Internet) fb, instagram tweeter) phone contacts, email, website etc.
Why do we make mystical name like coke, Gaffa , iPhone, Samsung
Simple and one word why ?
Names draws attention and names carries the spirit of what is to manifest. The moment it was named coke ,it brought addictions that’s why everywhere you go in the world ,coke is number one drink in that coke is a drug that brings addictions. So the name of your business determines the customers that comes to it. The moment God called his Product Jesus… it brought attention to people who wanted to be saved… What you name you control. 
Let me touch one name. Samsung
Samsung is a Korean name which means three stars and the founder of Samsung had everlasting in mind… Like stars that grow old after a billion years wanted his product to out live time that’s why he called it Samsung. Samsung is not the first cell phone to be made ,the first cell phone to be made  was   Motorola but Samsung has stood the test of time  of its name
Three stars…
One can be destroyed , two can resist but a code of three strings is not easily broken so it’s three stars and the brand can’t be easily broken coz of it’s name. The name you give to your business which is your product will determine. Two things: people attracted to it and the duration time it will last.

Twabam has no meaning to people and I’m the only one who knows the name Twabam. Why don’t I reveal I to people? Why Gaffa is a word with no meaning. People want to follow what they don’t understand .
People want things that they don’t understand, the moment they understand a thing, it won’t market. One of the ways to market a thing is to complicate it. Once it becomes plain, people won’t flock to it at all. Lack of understanding breathes customers. Understand this when Jesus moved from simple to complex…he began to attract teachers of the law Pharisees and Sadducees and rich woman and man who later on buried him in their tomb. But when he was simple, he attracted poor people who actually wanted him to multiply bread and fish. The more you become complicated in your product, you attract big people who then want to know more about your product,
Coke will add cola. Coke cola. Why ? It’s the strategy.
Panganai Java changed to Passion Java. Emmanuel changed to Jesus. Later on he added Christ. The person who started bit coin thus forex trade attracted Zuckerberg and  Bill Gates because they didn’t understand Forex trade and wanted to know more and over night that small boy who started in from South Africa became a billionaire over night. Someone saw a need of people to sit down and have a solution chair

It’s not the chair that started it was the need. When u do business doing aim for money but aim to give solution to people. Don’t!
God saw water and saw the need of the ground. The first chair existed in the mind of a man before it came to be because form follows function.. What came first was function then a chair is coming to be but function can’t be without first discovering a need.. then from need you see solution and then you form. So first see a problem and then from the problem get a function and it’s the function that then pushes you to form. You can’t go to Dubai with wolf skin jackets cos there is no need they don’t have winter. So before you start your business you look for a need ( what’s the problem in the city ) then u provide solution.
God first saw sin and then loved the people in their sin then He said what can u do? He gave Jesus as a solution! He looked for a product called Jesus and he gave his product according to the Problem on earth and market it by giving it a mission statement. You must have a mission statement. Kingdom embassy we are of Prayer. 
Name and statement Passion java records we live a life of music.
Name and statement

Gaffa ( twabam )
That’s passion
Passion is the man , Gaffa is the brand and twabam is the statement
All Companies are riding on twabam in Zimbabwe Why because the statement  twabam can sell a product. Recently I saw a product in South Africa written Twabam another one Zambia and Africa’s biggest artist in Nigeria saying twabam. Everyone who said Twabam is marketing a product called Passion because passion is a product that can sell. Many people are coming to sit under me not because they love me but they want to use the name Passion to gain access.
Prophets are the biggest marketers to the product called Jesus!!  That’s why God said touch not my Prophets. Why because they’re marketers. That’s why Paul says prophecy is for unbelievers. And he says prophecy is a Noble gift it edifies the church. It multiplies it. It multiplies it. So as to attract customers, Every business can’t thrive without sells rape. 
Listen to the audios attached

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