
Is Worship Sex?? – Prophet Passion Java

By April 18, 2021 No Comments

Sin started between God and Satan, then Satan and man, then men and creation. You need to understand Satan was a worshipper, and the other word for worship is romance. So when I am worshipping God, I am actually romancing God, which is called intimacy. So Paul says, don’t you know that who is joined to a prostitute, has become one with her and He who has joined himself to the Lord. Has become one with him.

How do you join yourself to God? You join yourself to God through romance and the romance of God is worship, Which we call intimacy. Satan was a worshipper, his name was called Lucifer. So him worshipping God he opened a portal unknown to every creation, that only God knew because sin was created by God according to Isaiah. And sin was only known by God, He hid this information even to His 3 closet angels Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. They were not aware of sin. Satan opened a portal, he got access because everything you sleep with a person you get access into his or her world.

The best person who knows me more than anyone else is my wife Lily. She knows me not by descernment but by reason of sexual intercourse. I can lie to anyone else, but I can’t lie to mama Lily, because we are one body because the Bible says the two shall become one flesh. I can’t lie to my wife because she is a member of my body. She knows me better, she might not tell me that she knows I lied to her but she knows because she has access to my world that anybody else can not have. The main reason being we engage in sexual intercourse.

Of all the angels Lucifer got access into the world of God more than all other angels was Lucifer. Lucifer did not bring sin but sin manifested now Satan ( Lucifer). Sin started between God and Satan, then Satan and Adam. Then Adam and the creation which is His whole world. Sin expressed itself in the spiritual realm by reason of Lucifer but this sin now which is a mystery is coming from God. This sin now is coming from God to Lucifer because he is an angel he now needs a medium, because angels are spirits. He looked for a snake after looking for a snake he then expressed sin to the world of men through Eve, from Eve then Adam.

Paul says I want you to know this that it was not a man who was deceived but it was a woman who was deceived. How was a woman deceived, she was in conversation because women they love to hear.

The Bible says in the book of Genesis 3:1, “the snake was more subtil than any beast that was created and he said to the woman…”

So the word subtil it means highest level of intellect, it’s a word that speaks of intellectualism.

So what deceived the woman were words, because a women is affected by words but a man by sin, so when the women got deceived she then transferred it to Adam. God was surprised why Adam had listened to his wife. Adam is being affected by words which is not his mechanism, he has to be affected by sight.

It then brought discord, he violated the order of God that’s why you find that a woman does not consider the handsomeness of a man to be involved in marriage but she considered the intellectualism ability of a man to talk and to convince.

That’s why women can’t approach men, it is a man who approaches a woman but if a woman sees you are not approaching her, she is going to reveal her body

Why is she revealing her body, to bring you to a place of sight, because the moment you see you are immediately pushed to a place of intellectualism and you are going to speak, but your speaking now is coming to convince her. So sin now is coming from God to Lucifer, to Eve, to Adam

The moment sin entered Adam, the Bible says they were naked and they were afraid why?

Because it was now a violation of the order of God.

But are you understanding that it has started with intimacy??

The intimacy of Lucifer to God but reason of worship, so when I am worshiping God I am being intimate with His spirit. It is the spirit of God that gives you access to the world of God.

When we are talking about the world of Passion, we are not talking about my Lamborghini, or my Macerate, nor my 3 story house but my world is my mind

When you are getting access to my world, you are getting access to my level of mentality. You realise Lucifer got access to the world of God by reason of the spirit of God.

So when I am worshipping God, I am worshipping Him ironically and directly I worship Him by reason of His spirit because 1 Corinthians 2 says no man knows the mind of God expect them spirit of God.



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